Snow Villiers meets Los Santos
Snow Villiers llega a Los Santos
For live in peace with his wife Serah...
Para vivir en paz con su esposa Serah...
Snow Villiers llega a Los Santos
For live in peace with his wife Serah...
Para vivir en paz con su esposa Serah...
No all we aspire can be true in some circumstances
No todo lo que aspiramos se vuelve realidad en ciertas circustancias
Snow's peace is threatened by gangs that will not even think in shoot for some money, and that threatened Serah's life
La paz de Snow es amenazado por gansters que no dudaran en disparar por algo de dinero, y eso amenaza la vida de Serah
As you know, Snow is a HERO, and his will is eliminate all the threat that threatenen their happyness.
Como sabes, Snow es un héroe y su voluntad será eliminar todas las amenazas que amenazan su felicidad
To live in peace like he always dreams... you must help to he to realize a complete gangsters elimination.
Para vivir en paz como él siempre soñó... deberás ayudarlo a realizar una completa aniquilación de gangsters
Can you do it?
Podrás hacerlo?
SNOW 1.0
Mediafire: Snow Villiers
PASS: ffxiiisnowbyencyclo
PASS: ffxiiisnow2.0
Hope enjoy too much because this character took me all my free saturday. And please, don't forget to comment.
Special thanks to Diego for give me the Snow model.
Regards =)